workshops with glen rundell
Workshops are held at our workshop in Tylden in the heart of Victoria's Macedon Ranges, an hours drive from Melbourne. Glen's classes are small and tailored to maximise your experience and enjoyment. Classes include all materials, patterns and expert tuition; cake and all day tea & coffee. Workshops are detailed below - simply click through for details on the workshop and to book your place - you will be taken through to our online shop to secure your booking. If the class you are interested in is booked out - you are welcome to email Glen to be added to a waitlist and he can contact you if a place becomes available.
Glen's email:
Workshops for 2025
Fanback Side Chair: 27 Jan - 1 Feb (6 days) $1800
Democratic Side Chair : 12 - 16 Feb (5 days) $1600
Milking Stool: 29 March (1 day) $375
Shaker Candle Table: 3 - 6 April (4 days) $1100
Perch Stool: 18 - 20 April (3 days) $890
Democratic Armchair Rocker: 16 - 22 June (7 days) $1990
Perch Stool: 11 - 13 July (3 days) $890
Shavehorse Building Workshop: 24 - 27 July (4 days) $1100
Comb-back Rocking Chair: 18 - 24 August (7 days) $2200
Milking Stool: 30 August (1 day) $375
Settee*: Sep/Oct, dates TBC *(must have completed a chair workshop previously)